Saturday, January 3, 2009

What's up with . . . ?

Some questions have been coming up –

For instance, late last night, I'm wide awake, not exactly tossing and turning, but certainly not falling asleep, and I'm thinking, "Now why couldn't I stay awake until midnight on December 31??" That is so completely confusing – I can't stay awake when I want to, and I can't fall asleep when I need to? Argh.

The other question is what is up with having ideas that I don't do anything with, and someone else runs away with it and makes a fortune (or at least a good living)? I had the idea for the "camelback" (just one example) about five years before I saw one in the store or on someone's back. And now, NOW, we find "Little Miss Matched" non-matching socks FOR SALE, . . IN STORES (plural) (and on-line!! Susan C. and I have been mis-matching our socks for about 3 years now, and along comes this outfit actually doing this as a retail gig, and very well, too, I might add. I have a set of socks that look enormously like the socks in the photo I added (mine are dots, not stars) and like these pajamas -


I think it's a combo of not being good at timing (my timing falls into "buy high, sell low" category), not having startup capital and business plan, and bottom line not really thinking these zany ideas are really worth anything out there in the market. But I can bet you dollars to donuts, I'm NOT going to post about some new great idea I'm having or carrying out, nope, nosiree bob. It's going into my journal where I can REMEMBER the danged thing and maybe cash in on it some way.

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