Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mercury Retrograde Blues

My baby doesn't get me,
Can't hear a word I say.
And when he murmurs sweetly,
I swear he says “You’re gay.”

I've got the Mercury Retrograde Blues.

When appointments get mixed up,
Folks are unclear, indirect,
I smile, and keep my chin up.
Where’s my bottle of white out?!

I've got the Mercury Retrograde Blues.

She claims I said “let's write.”
When I tell my boss “it's there,”
I wander through the night.
Alone with a vacant stare.

I've got the Mercury Retrograde Blues

My typing is atrocious,
I'm stuck; it feels like glue.
Tempers are ferocious.
I've got the Mercury Retrograde Blues.

© 2009 Kate van Houten

for more astrological info, go to Cafe Astrology's website at

thanks to for the photo

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Memories and Organization

I was doing my usual thinking about a blog post in the wee hours before rising; for me, this is an interesting exercise. It is much like trying to remember a dream after having breakfast. Making sure the thoughts are still organized by the time I get past chores and routines and sit down to write can be a heck of a trick. Maybe having a notepad and pen by bedside will help.

Be that as it may, I was thinking about memory this morning. Got up and made a conscious choice to take my day slowly, allowing everything to percolate and settle in my brain as it would, taking time to enjoy the early dawn light, wanting to see the moon set but failing due to clouds. A while later, I realized I still could not remember what I was going to write about, and it was a good one, important and juicy, having to do with memory.

I ended up remembering while I was in the bathroom doing some of the things that makes having a bathroom necessary, and, bingo, just like that, I remembered what it was. Did I make a note? Did I create a mnemonic? Not on your life, nosiree!!

So I went on about my day, which involved eating a lovely crab and cheese egg scramble with toast and lovely raw white organic Big Island honey ( - Volcano Island Honey Company) we found at the Kula Marketplace ( and then again at Bay Crossings in the SF Ferry Building ( (enter, turn right, Honey!). The lovely breakfast fortified me enough to begin my dreaded filing and organizing project for which I had to kick my lovely husband out of our very intimate shared office so I can move between: the bedroom, because our super high bed makes a great work surface for filing and sorting, and entertaining the cat, the office closet, home to a two-drawer file cabinet, the rest of the office, which has the lateral file cabinet, computer, printer, labels, file folders, hanging folders, etc.

Took a lunch break and made up a nice light plate of turkey, mozzarella and apple slices, drank another glass of water, and then headed back to work. High Ho, High No. Or is it just Hi Ho, Hi Ho? Then a run at doing other stuff, this time on the computer, and I'm not talking about the fun playing around with photos, organizing pictures, working with iTunes, looking for fun new apps type stuff. Nope. I have to make sure I enter names and contact info into my Outlook so I don't lose names of artists we met in SF who make gorgeous jewelry and folks we encountered in Hawaii,

Okay, the bulk of the really grim organizing and filing finally is done. Hope I can find stuff after moving folders around, but I think what I did will actually work better than before.

I must say that my 2008 commitment to reduce paper waste and use has been very successful. I have made PDFs of all bank and other statements and records and when the final end of year stuff comes through in the accounts, I'll put everything on one CD and it will go in the box,. Instead of three or four inches of paper as in years past (bank statements being the worst offender, wireless bills coming in a close second), I know have about 1/4 inch of paper and one CD. Woo Hoo!!

And as I turned away to do the next thing that needed to be done (label more folders, add stuff to household inventory as I go), I remembered, FINALLY, the post about memory I wanted to write about to begin with – here goes.

Two things: First thing – what I don't use, I immediately throw away. Memories in particular, and I endeavor endlessly to improve tossing out general "stuff" that just piles up and has to be organized, or discarded, as the case may be. G. bought me a new iTouch this Yule (wasn't that sweet!!) for his favorite geek girl (me), and he inherited my lovely 5G (aka "Classic") iPod that I adored. So there we were, busy geeking out on our way out to SF on Amtrak (the only way to not fly), and he starts asking me questions about the 5G. And I go "Huh?" Or it might of sounded like "Whuuuut?" He did that several times over the course of our vacation and again since we've been back (but less so), and each time I'm astounded by how little I recall of the 5G operations, and, folks, these are things I used to do without even thinking about once, much less twice, since they were just the natural rhythm of working with the device. I would use it more than five or six times each day. But here I was so immersed in learning the iTouch, which is astoundingly new and different from the 5G, that I completely "dumped" all previous iPod knowledge unless it directly related to the new device.

Second thing – All of these considerations of brain dumping led me back, circularly, to this next thought. As a former IT professional advising clients on hardware and software purchases, I always quipped "you can never have too much hard drive space or too much RAM." G. told me about a 1 Terabyte hard drive for sale for under $100. My first response to him about that was: It would take all my time just keeping the danged thing organized. Far cry from the "WOW, 120K!! amazing" days, huh?

Now for the pitch: Can anybody put together a dynamite indexing and archival system for my brain's hard drive/RAM for pre-dumping and pre-clearing retention? It's not so much of a joke these days as I am at that point in my life when I start to tell someone about something new, and they say, "yeah, you already told me about that." Sigh. Between that and not knowing the names of over 1/2 of the bands that are booking gigs at the local venues, I am really feeling middle aged.

Back to putting labels on file folders and entering data into home inventory. Happy January everyone; be sure to eat some honey now and again ~

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Earth Friendly and Proud!

Grateful to be a healthy planet crusader!

What's up with . . . ?

Some questions have been coming up –

For instance, late last night, I'm wide awake, not exactly tossing and turning, but certainly not falling asleep, and I'm thinking, "Now why couldn't I stay awake until midnight on December 31??" That is so completely confusing – I can't stay awake when I want to, and I can't fall asleep when I need to? Argh.

The other question is what is up with having ideas that I don't do anything with, and someone else runs away with it and makes a fortune (or at least a good living)? I had the idea for the "camelback" (just one example) about five years before I saw one in the store or on someone's back. And now, NOW, we find "Little Miss Matched" non-matching socks FOR SALE, . . IN STORES (plural) (and on-line!! Susan C. and I have been mis-matching our socks for about 3 years now, and along comes this outfit actually doing this as a retail gig, and very well, too, I might add. I have a set of socks that look enormously like the socks in the photo I added (mine are dots, not stars) and like these pajamas -


I think it's a combo of not being good at timing (my timing falls into "buy high, sell low" category), not having startup capital and business plan, and bottom line not really thinking these zany ideas are really worth anything out there in the market. But I can bet you dollars to donuts, I'm NOT going to post about some new great idea I'm having or carrying out, nope, nosiree bob. It's going into my journal where I can REMEMBER the danged thing and maybe cash in on it some way.