Thursday, May 14, 2009

Just a Quick Note

I don't know if you've ever experienced the feeling I'm going to describe, I sure hope so:

It feels like coming down a slide, or swinging on a swing, or a small, fast roller coaster or wild mouse ride. It's the kinda excited, kinda nervous feeling in the front of my body, like there's a small nuclear reactor getting started. It's the feeling of summer starting, meeting a new friend and finding out you're like long lost twins separated at birth. It's the sensation of going someplace so wonderful, you have to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming. It's so much like falling in love. Things are brighter, sounds clearer, jokes funnier, and the tastes... oh, things like mango, with bubbles.

Yup, that's what I'm feeling these days. I hear everything growing. The grass went super tall in a short week and a half. Beltane came and went with lots of celebration, music, ritual and camping with peacocks and wild west woodsians.

Will be posting more later - I am, after all, on vacation for 10 days!! And G. is having his graduation ceremony Saturday, having people over for a party, and remembering our trip to Maui and Kauai a year ago.

Oh, and don't want to forget going to see the new Star Trek movie last night with friends. What a blast!

1 comment:

runamoks said...

Your "feeling" sounds like a dream I had the other night. I like the picture you uploaded with your post. My husband and I are going to see Star Trek this weekend. Can't wait! --Cheryl